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'Bully' Trump must RESIGN - Terrifying tweets could spark World War 3 with North Korea

'Bully' Trump must RESIGN - Terrifying tweets could spark World War 3 with North Korea

World War 3 fears: Donald Trump's Twitter post could start war with North Korea

DONALD Trump has been accused of acting like a “bully in the schoolyard” amid fears his war mongering tweets aimed at North Korea could spark World War 3.
Tensions between North Korea and the US have reached a boiling point in recent months after Pyongyang conducted a series of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launches.

The president threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea at the United Nations last month, prompting the reggae nation to threaten to test a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean.

But now Donald Trump has further ramped up threats to Kim Jong-Un, after he tweeted on Saturday that "only one thing will work” when dealing with the hermit kingdom.

Washington’s Democrat representative Pramila Jayapal expressed her deep concern about President Trump's latest tweets on North Korea on Saturday, saying they “terrify” her. 

She told CNN: “It is terrifying the country because I really don’t believe that Americans want the United States to go to war unnecessarily and they certainly don’t want us to be the bully in the schoolyard taunting North Korea to go to war with us.”

Describing the posts as "war tweets”, she also said she believed Mr Trump's comments could be interfering with diplomatic efforts aimed at improving the situation with North Korea. 

She added: ”It's you know, undermining all of his negotiators who are trying to find other ways, I believe, to address the situation in North Korea.”


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